MASERU –– Lesotho’s promising form this year continued yesterday when they held Zimbabwe to a one-all draw in Harare. Lesotho’s goal hero was once again defender Thabo Masualle who scored his second spot-kick goal in as many games to open the scoring in the first half. However Likuena could not hold on to the lead […]
MASERU –– After the appetiser of the MGC Supa 8 quarter-finals in Butha-Buthe, Matsieng and then LCS’s central prisons, the main course that is Lesotho’s football season will now begin. Although the 2009/10 Buddie Premier League only kicks off on August 22, the Supa 8 finals weekend is more than enough to wet the taste […]
MASERU – The announcement of the multi-million-maloti Vodacom Soccer Spectacular tournament has been delayed until next week. Two weeks ago the Lesotho Times reported that the event would be launched last week. But the event was delayed last week and again this week. The reason Vodacom has postponed the announcement for a second time is […]
… as pressure mounts on government, opposition MASERU — The government has agreed to engage the opposition in talks as pressure mounts on them to resolve the dispute over proportional representation (PR) seats. The first round of the talks organised by the Christian Council of Lesotho (CCL) started yesterday at 9am at United Nations House. […]
MASERU — Officers from the National Security Service (NSS) were on Tuesday ordered out of the home of All Basotho Convention (ABC) leader, Tom Thabane, where a party meeting was being held. The two NSS agents had attended the ABC meeting at Thabane’s home in Ha-Abia. Thabane was briefing his supporters on the stay-away called […]
MASERU — All Basotho Convention (ABC) leader, Thomas Thabane, says the stay-away called by the opposition had failed “because the people let us down by going to work”. Speaking at a press conference held at his home in Ha-Abia on Tuesday, Thabane said some of the workers could have chosen to report for work because […]
Analysts say ABC didn’t do its homework MASERU –– The stayaway called by opposition parties flopped because the timing was wrong and the planning was poor, analysts have said. They said the opposition, led by the All Basotho Convention (ABC), had failed to mobilise enough support because there was nothing strong enough to trigger […]
Daring thieves raid, slaughter beasts on spot as owners sleep MASERU –– Mokone Motemekoane got the shock of his life last Saturday when he found his kraal empty. His three cows, the only ones he had, were gone. A carcass of one of his cows was just a few metres away from his yard. […]
MASERU — Communications Minister Mothetjoa Metsing yesterday said the government is committed to transforming the media sector in line with international trends. Speaking at a media policy workshop in the capital Maseru, Metsing said the government recognised the important role played by the media in promoting democracy and freedom. “I wish to point out that […]
AS I SEE IT THE leader of the main opposition All Basotho Convention (ABC) party, Thomas Thabane, must be a broken man. Thabane was at the centre of the opposition call for an indefinite stay-away to protest against the government’s handling of the proportional representation seats. The stay-away was a huge flop as workers […]
NATIONAL AGENDA THE spectacular failure of the stay- way this week is a clear indication that the opposition is losing its grip in Maseru. The main opposition All Basotho Convention (ABC) party has in the past brought the country to a halt through mass stay-away campaigns. The last two stay-away campaigns organised by the […]
I WRITE in response to an article which appeared in last week’s issue of the Lesotho Times headlined, Taxi operators worry over stay-away impact. Members of the Maseru Regional Transport Operators need to be taught that the government and the opposition parties are only as strong as business and other social organisations allow them to […]
MASERU — China Garment Manufacturers (CGM) says it has delayed re-opening one of its factories due to a serious shortage of skilled labour. CGM was forced to shut down its United Clothing factory last year after experiencing financial problems. A M30 million bail-out package from the government’s Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) has since helped […]
MASERU — Lewis Stores, one of the country’s biggest furniture chain stores, last week donated furniture worth M100 000 to the SOS children’s village. The hand-over ceremony was held at Lewis Stores, at Metcash Building in Maseru. SOS children’s village is a non-profit organisation that takes care of about 100 disadvantaged children. Lewis’s Maseru […]
SCRUTATOR LAST week the comrades from the opposition were choking with anger over those freebies they call proportional representation seats. They said from Monday this week there would be an indefinite stay-away. But how their bloated egos have been deflated after the stay-away actually steered workers away from their homes. It was such a […]
STEAMING IT OFF I AM among the millions of public transport users of this beautiful country. And boy do we suffer! Your first worry, as you step out of the house, is if you are going to find one that is going to your destination or you are going to spend your last coins […]
BOTTOMS UP WITH BACCHUS HAVE you ever wondered why a nightclub is sometimes called a watering hole? If you thought it was simply because people go there to quench their thirst, think again. Each person in that place is like an animal at a watering hole out there in the bundu. It’s a jungle […]
DOCTOR’S CORNER GIVING birth through caesarean section has become popular nowadays. More and more babies are being born through this method as more women opt for the operation rather than vaginal delivery. We will compare these two methods and look at the advantages and disadvantages of the methods later. For now, we will introduce […]
MASERU — Lefate members Lethapa Tikiso and Molibeli Mokake (pictured) have made up after a row that threatened to tear up the youthful musical duo. Tikiso, popularly known as Damario, last week told the Weekender the group was on the verge of a split over claims made by his colleague in an interview with another […]
MASERU — League champions Lioli have completed the signing of Roma Rovers forward Seenyane Nthejane for a club record fee of M6 000. The deal is one of the most expensive transfers in Lesotho, although it falls M4 000 short of what LCS paid for Lawrence Molengoane last season. Terms and conditions have been agreed between […]
MASERU –– The indefinite stayaway might be pencilled for Monday but the fight has already started. The government says the security forces are on high-alert. And already the crackdown seems to have started even five days before the actual stayaway starts. The Lesotho Times can reveal that a number of opposition members were arrested yesterday […]
MASERU — Taxi operators are worried the stay-away called by the opposition might not only cost them thousands of maloti in revenue but their vehicles as well should it turn violent. Yesterday the Maseru Regional Transport Operators (MRTO) was making frantic efforts to have the indefinite stay-away, scheduled to start on Monday, shelved. MRTO spokesman […]
MASERU — The Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD) national executive committee has lashed out at the opposition for capitalising on the Sir Ketumile Masire’s report to sow confusion in Lesotho. Speaking at a press conference the LCD public relations officer Khotso Matla said the “opposition has gone too far by calling for a stay-away”. Matla […]
MOHALE’S HOEK –– Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili last Sunday told ruling party supporters in Mohale’s Hoek to ignore next week’s stay-away that has been called by opposition parties. Mosisili told about 4 000 supporters of his ruling Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD) party that the 21 proportional representation (PR) seats at the centre of the […]
MASERU –– Nurses at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital are set to down tools in protest over poor pay and working conditions. Sources at the hospital said the nurses two weeks ago handed a letter to the medical superintendent, Dr Maama Mojela, notifying him of their intention to strike. The Lesotho Times last month reported that […]
MASERU — A group of about 100 opposition supporters yesterday marched in the streets of Maseru and handed a petition to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) requesting that it rectifies the disputed allocation of proportional representation seats. They also petitioned the Speaker of Parliament, Ntlhoi Motsamai, to immediately deal with the position of the leader […]
MASERU — Suspended deputy police commissioner Motsotuoa Ntaote is not yet off the hook despite his acquittal on fraud charges last month. The state has appealed against the High Court judgment which acquitted him. High Court Judge Justice Gabriel Mofolo last month acquitted Ntaote of fraud charges saying there was a conspiracy within the police […]
MAFETENG — A 30-year-old man from Likhoele Ha Lempetje in Mafeteng was arrested this week for allegedly killing his pregnant wife. Mafeteng Criminal Investigation Division spokesman, Detective Sergeant Motlalei Phihlela, said the murder suspect is a student at the National University of Lesotho. He said the man allegedly assaulted his wife until she died. The […]
MAFETENG –– Battle lines are drawn between villagers and a diamond mining firm at Ha-Petlane in Kolo about 60 kilometres south of the capital Maseru. Villagers have demanded that Angel Diamond stop all mining exploratory operations because they were damaging their houses. They have also demanded written assurances from Angel Diamond that it will help […]
Stop the catfight
FOR the past three weeks we have watched in horror as the country teetered on the brink of political mayhem. The country was virtually on knife-edge. We saw how opposition political parties, emboldened by Sir Ketumile Masire report, sought to take on the government on the streets. The government of Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili, which […]