MASERU — ‘Malerato Lehlabaphiri, 29, and her lover Monnakhotla Chaoane, 22, were yesterday remanded in custody after appearing briefly before the Botha-Bothe Magistrate Court charged with the murder of Posho Lehlabaphiri, 34, at Makopo last Sunday.
Lehlabaphiri from Botha-Bothe and Chaoane were arrested for allegedly stabbing her husband to death on November 17.
The deceased was killed in his residential house in Makopo village.
Police Spokesperson Inspector Thato Ramarikhoane confirmed the incident.
“A police constable based in Botha-Bothe was allegedly stabbed to death by his wife together with her lover,” Ramarikhoane said.
“It was reported that the victim arrived at his home at around 3 am. His wife was with her lover who hid under the bed when the husband came into the house,” he said.
Ramarikhoana said the wife and husband had a quarrel which led to a fight.
The lover, who was hiding under the bed, came out and stabbed the victim several times.
He sustained serious injuries in the chest, arm and on the back of the shoulder.
The deceased went out of the house screaming for help.
His neighbour who is also a police officer heard the deceased crying out side at night and went out and saw him lying down outside the house.
The man died on the spot.
When he rushed to assist him, he saw the deceased’s wife coming out of the house carrying a bag.
She was trying to run away but the police officer caught her.
Some of the items that were in the bag include the deceased personal gun.
The woman and her lover are working together at a local restaurant in Botha-Bothe.
Police confiscated khaki pair of trousers, a black T-shirt that was stained with blood and a knife at the scene.
The case, prosecuted by ‘Makhotso Mando-Letsoisa, was postponed to December 3.