By Mohalenyane Phakela
MASERU — With its mission to become the number one entertainment destination in the country, Ster Kinekor Cinema Lesotho is revamping its technology infrastructure.
Since its dawn, the cinema has been showing movies in the form of 35mm prints which is said to be an inferior quality any cinema can offer. It is now stepping up to show movies in 2D and 3D.
“We are basically re-launching all our cinemas to promote the three dimensional view and upgrade our sound system,” said Nthabana Mots’oari, Ster Kinekor’s projectionist, in an interview.
“The 35mm prints are in a tape format and have so many disadvantages such as poor quality and taking too much time to reach our cinemas.
“They are released in limited numbers and only supplied to leading cinemas which only pass them along to us after they are done with them . . . They sometimes get here with scratches.”
Motšoari also told the Weekender that although they are the leading movie providers in the country, giving local audiences the best quality is still their main priority.
“Our customers deserve the best service we can offer, so the digital system we are introducing, the 2D and 3D, will provide the best quality.”
A three-dimensional motion picture enhances the illusions of perception in its depth. They are not limited to feature film theatrical releases but direct-to-video films have also incorporated similar methods.
“There will no longer be any movie delays as the digital system will allow us to acquire fresh movies through the network services. We will be showing movies at the same time as overseas cinemas.”
So far the system has only been installed in Cinema 2 which is the biggest at Ster Kinekor Maseru.