MASERU- A police officer was shot and killed by unknown people last week on Tuesday morning at his home in Mohalalitoe.
Raphael Rakoro who was based at Police Training College (PTC) died on arrival at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital in Maseru.
Senior Inspector Moshe Raleting confirmed the incident.
An eyewitness said Rakoro was talking to a friend outside his house when he was shot.
“People just appeared and shot him without saying anything. They took his wallet and his 9 mm gun as well as Identity Document,” said the witness.
This year alone four police officers have had been attacked in the course of duty. Two police officers have since died this year as a result of the attacks.
Ralething said investigations were in still in progress.
“Most of these attacks were done while police were on duty, this shows that people do not want peace when they attack police officers,” said Raleting.