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Ministry’s defiance angers portfolio committee 

In Local News, News
May 11, 2024
  • as it fails to summon mining company 
  • allegedly destroying communities 

Mathatisi Sebusi 

THE Ministry of Natural Resources has defied an order by the Natural Resources Cluster Portfolio Committee, to suspend operations of RESKOL Diamond Mining PTY Ltd at Kolo. 

The portfolio committee had ordered the Department of Mining to suspend the mine’s operations a fortnight ago, while it worked on resolving ongoing issues between the mine and the Kolo community. 

RESKOL Diamond Mining PTY Ltd operates a mine in Kolo, which is at the centre of controversy after decades-long complaints by residents, that the company’s operations were a hazard to their health.  

The Kolo community also accused the mine of causing destruction to their property through its mining activities. 

The committee had therefore, two weeks ago, ordered Ministry of Natural Resource’s Director of Legal Mining, Advocate Mathealea Lerotholi and Commissioner of Mines, Mohato Moima, to suspend the mine’s operations pending its decision on the impasse.  

However, the duo informed the committee yesterday that they did not suspend the mine’s operations as the committee’s order was in violation of laws that governed the ministry. 

The committee was angered by the information and harshly berated the mining officials for defying its order on purpose.  

The committee further said the attitude of the the mining ministry officials, was fuelled by lack of interest in helping to effectively address the Kolo community’s grievances. 

Residents of semi-rural Maseru’s Kolo region and surrounding communities are aggrieved by RESKOL Diamond Mining’s alleged destructive mining activities.  

They have demanded suspension of the mine’s operations, claiming that mining activities like blasting, had left most of them either homeless, sick or have died. 

They presented their grievances before the portfolio committee on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, which in turn ordered that RESKOL Diamond Mining’s operations be suspended with immediate effect. 

Responding to why the operations of the mine were not suspended, Advocate Lerotholi, said she discussed the issue with Mr Moima. She said that after the two had gone through the Mines and Minerals Act, 2005, they established that the authority to suspend mine’s operations, was vested in the Minister of Mining (Minister of Natural Resources). 

“We did not suspend operations of the mine because we have no authority to do so. Only the minister can suspend mining operations. And even so, he must be guided by the law and follow legal procedures,” Adv Lerotholi said. 

“We simply cannot up suspend mining operations. We must first write them a letter explaining why their operations will be suspended, and the mine should be given a 30 days’ notice.”  

The Department of Mining had also been ordered to bring RESKOL Diamond Mining to the meeting. But it failed to do so, explaining that the mine’s management could not be reached on the phone. 

However, Minister of Natural Resources, Mohlomi Moleko, who was appearing before the parliament committee for the first time on the Kolo issue, was seemingly unhappy.  

He said accused his ministry’s officials of having not done enough to ensure that RESKOL Diamond Mining appeared before the portfolio committee. 

“If they could not be reached on the phone, why was a ministry official not sent to the mine’s offices?” Mr Moleko angrily asked his officials. 

“I am very disappointed that you failed to deliver after being directed to bring RESKOL here. Something should have been done to reach the mine.” 

Meanwhile the angry members of the portfolio committee chaired by Moeketsi Mots’oane, said they could not continue with the meeting in RESKOL Diamond Mining’s absence.  

The committee, therefore, told Mr Moleko that they had not choice but to make him shoulder the responsibility of ensuring, that Kolo community’s grievances were addressed.  

The committee said it would summon them again for another meeting to finalise the matter. 

Two weeks ago, RESKOL Diamond Mining, told the Lesotho Times that allegations that they had abandoned Kolo communities despite the damage their mine had caused, were false and a mere smear campaign. 

This was after Kolo community representatives had appeared before the natural resources committee, asserting that their grievances dated back to 31 years ago in 1993, when the mine first launched its operations in the area.  

Because of a “consistent pattern” of non-compliance with the Mines and Minerals Act, 2005, the mine’s license was in 2022 suspended by the then Minister of Mining, Serialong Qoo.  

However, Prime Minister Sam Matekane’s government lifted the suspension in 2023, allowing the mine to resume operations. 

To better understand the Kolo communities’ situation, the Lesotho Times interviewed the Mabalane Development Community Forum, a body representing 40 communities which said their quality of life had deteriorated because of the mine’s operations. 

The forum’s chairperson, ‘Mamahlapane Hlapane, told this publication shortly after their appearance before the portfolio committee, that it had come as a shock to them when the same mine resumed operations early this year.  

Worsening the situation, Ms Hlapane said, was that the mine took things from where it had left off in 2022 when its license was suspended, without communities being informed prior to its return. 

According to Ms Hlapane, the fact that the mine was situated right at the centre of the Kolo region, meant that their houses had been destroyed due to mining activities. Residents’ health was affected by the dust they inhaled on a daily basis. 

She stressed, that the Forum wanted to see contents of the mining lease issued the company, further calling for it to be suspended once again.  

Under different managements over time, Ms Hlapane said, the mine had not only stolen their livelihoods but had also rendered most of community members homeless.  

She said from the very moment the mine started its operations, the lives of residents of communities in its vicinity changed for the worst.   

The structures of their houses had deteriorated.  

Some people had contracted lung diseases due to dust emissions.  

Worst hit were the countless elderly people, some of whom had died due to chest complications.  

Doctors would later confirm that they were caused by dust inhalation from the mining activities. 

“The Mine operations happen right at our doorstep. Any mistake or severe blasting can result in our houses being swallowed by the whole mine. There are people who literally have nowhere to stay. They live in severely damaged houses which provide unsecure shelter,” Ms Hlapane said. 

Prior to its 2022 closure, the mine had promised to connect Kolo communities to clean potable water, electricity, as well as relocate residents living closest to the mine, she said.  

“But that has not materialised to date. Our calls for change have been in vain,” Ms Hlapane said.  

Responding to the grievances before the committee two weeks ago, Mr Moima, had said that as per the contract, RESKOL Diamond Mining was bound to relocate affected families this year.  

He had added that the company had been reissued with its mining lease in 2023, resuming its operations early in 2024.  

However, Mr Moima was not granted opportunity to respond further on the Kolo residents’ grievances and why the same mine was reissued with the mining lease.  

This was because members of the portfolio committee had become angry, complaining that the Ministry of Natural Resources, was not taking the issue seriously. 

Committee chairperson, Mr Mots’aone, had demanded that the ministry summon RESKOL representatives to this meeting. That did not happen, enraging committee members.  

However, when contacted for comment by the Lesotho Times a fortnight ago, the day after the first social cluster committee meeting, RESKOL Diamond Mining’s Head of Safety and Security, Joseph Cheka Mabote, dismissed allegations made against the mine as ‘lies’. 

According to Mr Mabote, the allegations were a smear campaign against the mine, driven primarily by personal agendas. 

He said the mine “had a meeting with the community and Kolo chief to discuss matters pertaining to the construction of temporary shelter, for people whose houses have been destroyed by mine operations”.  

“We are waiting for government to give the green light to start the relocation process. We will meet again on 1 May to finalise the details,” Mr Mabote said. 

The Lesotho Times could not reach Mr Mabote comment yesterday. 



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