Pascalinah Kabi
MAFETENG – Water Affairs Minister Ralechate ‘Mokose yesterday launched a countrywide borehole drilling programme at Amitofo Care Centre (ACC) in Ha Lumisi, Mafeteng.
The programme is part of government’s response to the El Niño-induced drought which left over 450 000 Basotho food-insecure and 260 307 without access to potable water.
However, due to the recent incessant rains, the area earmarked for drilling was muddy and slippery thereby preventing the drilling machines from carrying out the exercise. The drilling process was postponed until the soil is no longer muddy.
Addressing the gathering, which was also attended by Communications Minister Khotso Letsatsi, Mr ‘Mokose said his ministry decided to start borehole drilling programme at ACC because of the urgent need for potable water at the orphanage.
The facility, which was founded and run by Taiwanese nationals, houses 229 children.
“I accompanied the Prime Minister (Pakalitha Mosisili) during his visit to this orphanage, and he told me that the teachers and managers were complaining about the lack of water at the centre.
“The PM reminded me of my responsibility to ensure every Mosotho has access to clean water. Because of the instruction, I ensured that we launched the programme at ACC,” Mr ‘Mokose said, adding schools, clinics and villages would also benefit from the project.
For her part, Amitofo Care Centre Manager, Wu Yuan Yuan, said she was happy their request for access to clean water had finally been answered.
“Since 2010, when we first opened our doors to the first child, we have been struggling to access clean water, but the solution is now at hand because Ntate ‘Mokose has agreed to help us solve this problem,” Ms Yuan said.
“We are grateful that 229 children will now have water to drink and for other health purposes so they can grow up to become useful members of the community.”