Use of conjunctions
Grammatically a conjunction is a connecting word , a word that is used to link sentences, clauses, phrases or words .Examples of conjunctions are and, but, if, although, since, because, while, until and many others.
1. Using and as a conjunction: and is used when the second sentence gives added information.
Example: Suddenly we heard a loud bang. All the lights went out.
These two sentences are giving us a sequence of two inter-related events and therefore can be linked into one sentence using and. The new sentence becomes: Suddenly we heard a loud bang and the lights went out .
2. Use of but: We use but when the second sentence tells a contradicting fact.
Example: Helping the elderly is human. Stealing babies’ milk is highly despicable. Joined together the two sentences will read: Helping the elderly is human but stealing babies’ milk is highly despicable.
3. Using or as a conjunction: or is used when the second sentence gives room to make a choice.
Example: The hut must be thatched carefully. The shepherds’ belongings will become wet when it rains. Linking up the two sentences read: The hut must be thatched carefully or the shepherds’ belongings will become wet when it rains.
Therefore the sentence gives a choice either not to thatch the hut and spoil the shepherds’ belongings or thatch the hut to protect the shepherds’ belongings
4. The use of because: We use because to stress the reason why the action in the first sentence had occurred.
Example: We could not have a bumper harvest last season. The rainfall was characterised by hail and floods.
Connected these two sentences become: We could not have a bumper harvest last season because the rainfall was characterised by hail and floods.
5. Using although as a conjunction: although is used when the second sentence is not withstanding the first one, that is the second sentence occurs in spite of the first event.
Example: She came out with flying colours in her final examination. She walked a very long distance to school on an empty stomach.
The integration of the two sentences reads: She came out with flying colours in her final examination, although she walked a very long distance to school on an empty stomach.
6. Use of until: The conjunction until is used to depict the occurrence of an event up to the end but not afterwards.
Example: The hard-working students could not stop researching .The hard-working students finally won the firstprize of the gold medal.
Joining the two sentences results in: The hard-working students could not cease researching until they finally won the gold medal.
Therefore the final sentence tells us that the students researched up to the time they achieved their goal.
7. Using while as a conjunction: While is used when events happen concurrently, that is a variety of events take place at the same time.
Example: Mr Phoka answered the phone call. Mr. Phoka was driving past the red robot.
Joined together the two sentences will be: Mr Phoka answered the phone call while driving past the red robot. NB. The answering of the phone call and the driving past the red robot took place at the same time.
Join the following sentences using the appropriate conjunctions.
1. Thabiso married Lineo. Lineo was twenty years older than Thabiso.
2. They celebrated the Christmas feastival. Everyone was entirely exhausted.
3. Finally the whistle blew. Matlama players celebrated their victory.
4. The fence must be fixed.The thieves will sneak into the orchard.
5. They gave precious gifts at the wedding. They were not given any food, not even a single slice of bread.
6. Thato’s work was displayed on the school notice board.Her essay was the most creatively written.
1. Thabiso married Lineo although she was twenty years older than him.
2. They celebrated Christmas festival until everyone was entirely exhausted.
3. Finally the whistle blew and Matlama players celebrated their victory.
4. The fence must be fixed or the thieves will sneak into the orchard.
5. They gave precious gifts at the wedding but they were not given any food, not even a single slice of bread.
6. Thato’s work was displayed on the school notice board because her essay was the most creatively written.
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