April 01, 2016
4 views 12 mins 0

How Lesotho benefited from MCA

  Khotso Mosola IN 2007, the government of Lesotho signed a Millennium Challenge Corporation compact known as Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). This compact or agreement is a developmental assistance programme based on the liberal economic policies that the United States so espouses, which brought with it millions of dollars for financing of selected projects; namely […]

Comment, Opinion
March 24, 2016
7 views 5 mins 0

Time to nip crime in the bud

  LESOTHO is by-and-large a relative haven in comparison to our crime-ridden neighbour South Africa. Many Basotho have found comfort in the knowledge that they can go about their business with peace of mind without being mugged in Lesotho. This is unlike South Africa where it is prudent to always look over one’s shoulder, especially […]

March 24, 2016
3 views 11 mins 0

How should Lesotho approach political and constitutional reforms

  By Moeketsi Majoro  In late 2014, I penned in South Africa’s Business Day of 2 December 2014, a motivation for radical political and constitutional reforms (see the Internet link below). I argued that Lesotho needs deep and radical reforms to avoid emerging lawlessness and violent conflict and to make progress to reverse extreme forms […]

March 24, 2016
6 views 11 mins 0

Democratic governance and fear

  …Mosisili’s conundrum Professor Mafa M Sejanamane Introduction JUST over a year ago, Lesotho went through general elections that all international election observers concluded had been free, fair and transparent. With no political party achieving an overall majority, it was clear that coalition politics was the only game in town. A motley of seven political […]

March 18, 2016
7 views 6 mins 0

Of human rights and titles

  …Advocate Mda (KC) versus Rt. Honourable Kamoli Professor Mafa M Sejanamane For sometime now the state of human rights in Lesotho has been appalling. One only needs to glance through Lesotho High Court records on habeas  corpus cases where several detained Lesotho Defense Force (LDF) soldiers have narrated harrowing stories of beatings and torture to understand […]

March 18, 2016
14 views 13 mins 0

Truth necessary to achieve healing

  Makhabane Maluke SOMETIMES the truth hurts. Just like words: it may annoy, irritate, impress etc. If speaking the truth is likely to achieve some healing, it deserves to be told over and over and as it is. One wonders what stage of development Lesotho’s parliament will have reached by 2040 or the 13th Parliament? […]

Comment, Opinion
March 18, 2016
12 views 5 mins 0

Donate blood and share the gift of life

  AS a nation, we are sometimes preoccupied with a lot of seemingly important endeavours at the expense of simple but vital issues that could mean the difference between life and death. One such issue is the availability of blood or lack thereof, which only seems to become important when we really need the life-giving […]

March 18, 2016
5 views 3 mins 0

One year on, Mosisili still missing the mark on human rights

  The authorities in Lesotho must uphold human rights and the rule of law and end continuing harassment and intimidation of lawyers and human rights defenders, said Amnesty International today, marking Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili’s first year in office. “In the year since Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili’s inauguration, we have seen a disturbing pattern of […]

March 04, 2016
4 views 11 mins 0

Should obesity be classified a disease?

UTLOANG KAJENO  A DISEASE is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal or plant especially one that produces specific symptoms or that effects a specific part, according to the definition by the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.  For its part the Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, defines obesity as a medical condition on which excess […]

March 04, 2016
2 views 6 mins 0

Reset Africa’s trajectory to drive growth

  Kingsley Chiedu Moghalu THE global commodity slump and China’s economic slowdown have pummeled several African economies, making clear that the continent’s “rise” was a myth. Now is the time to re-examine the basis of Africa’s recent “boom” and move from feel-good rhetoric to action that will drive genuine economic transformation. Commodity exporters such as […]

February 29, 2016
5 views 36 mins 0

Budget fails fiscal transparency test

  Moeketsi Majoro Introduction THE reading of the 2016/2017 budget speech last Friday has presented an opportunity to comment on the policy proposals the government of Lesotho is making to Parliament for consideration and approval. As was the case last year, I take this opportunity to share a few observations on the speech and accompanying […]

February 25, 2016
8 views 7 mins 0

Lecture on access of Justice for the disabled

  Limpho Sello LNFOD Executive Director Advocate Nkhasi Sefuthi says persons with disabilities experience serious inequalities in terms of access to justice due to attitudinal and environmental barriers facing them when trying to access justice sector services. Advocate Sefuthi during a lecture on access to Justice for people with disability at a local hotel on […]

February 25, 2016
4 views 12 mins 0

Do to others as you would expect from them

  UTLOANG KAJENO  THESE seminal impeccable words cited from the Book of Matthew 7:12, are advisory to our current political leaders.  They are a truism today as they were in days of our Lord Jesus Christ, for they embody the civil way that we ought to treat one another as people. This anecdote will serve […]

February 25, 2016
5 views 4 mins 0

Be smart with your money!

  SAVINGS have, over the years, been a controversial topic amongst Christians. The saying goes, “The rich don’t belong in heaven”. And this has led to many, confused, people refusing to be the best they can be in an attempt to avoid being rich and evil. As a result, innovation and productivity have been greatly […]

February 25, 2016
3 views 4 mins 0

The opposition is awkwardly positioned

  LESOTHO is at the point of its 9th Parliament after the 2015 snap election. Its few months’ old opposition is already on a prolonged stay-away as a protest over what could best be left to the protesters to explain. They did not even bother to attend the presentation of the 2016/2017 budget. That is […]

February 06, 2016
3 views 9 mins 0

Lesotho development aid needs new direction

  Jack Healey A recent blog post, Can Lesotho survive more development? by John Aerni-Flessner and Charles Fogelman points out that “Despite post-Millennium development programs…, most Basotho still live in poverty, and average life expectancy is 49 years.” This astounding fact reminded me of my time in Lesotho in the late 70s. My friend David […]

January 21, 2016
4 views 9 mins 0

Who should elect prime minister: citizens or MPs?

  Sofonea Shale The contemplated constitutional review shall remain an elitist process that insulates politicians from public control unless citizens rise and actively participate in debate and dialogue to shape their constitution. One of many questions that Basotho may need to interrogate is who should elect Prime Minister: the citizens or Members of Parliament (MPs)? […]

January 21, 2016
3 views 12 mins 0

Lesotho’s situation does not call for a TRC

  Utloang Kajeno LET us start from premise that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Commission of Inquiry recommendations are adopted, binding and prosecutable.  In the aftermath of the discussion by the SADC Troika on Politics, Defense and Security Development on Lesotho’s instability and the circumstances surrounding the killing of former Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) […]

January 08, 2016
2 views 9 mins 0

Did politicians take heed of His Majesty’s address?

  By Sofonea Shale THE 2015 annual national address by His Majesty the King on the occasion marking festive season generated public discourse necessary for engaging one another at least with the aim of attaining peace that citizens deserve. The main challenge is whether Basotho can rise to the occasion and use His Majesty’s message […]

January 08, 2016
4 views 10 mins 1

The gravy train needs no talkers

  Mahao Mahao IN a morning programme on Harvest FM last week, one of the lieutenants in the current government was on air to share with the nation what had transpired at a rally convened by Popular Front for Democracy (PFD) in Leribe the previous Sunday. PFD is special in two ways in the current […]

January 08, 2016
4 views 10 mins 0

Our political parties should solve our political instability

  By Kelebone Lekunya* Since independence in 1966, Lesotho has experienced political disturbances which are relatively more than its tiny geographical size. There coups, attempted coups and political kidnappings and assassinations. Several social commentators have attributed these political challenges to the control of the armed forces by the politicians. They also argue that if the […]

Comment, Opinion
December 25, 2015
7 views 6 mins 1

Let’s rally all our friends…..

  Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili’s declaration of a state of emergency this week because of the drought currently ravaging the country was the right and responsible thing for any leader to do. Such a declaration authorises the government to speed state assistance to vulnerable communities even if this requires circumventing normal legalistic procurement and implementation […]

December 17, 2015
3 views 21 mins 0

SADC: Struggle for order and accountability in Lesotho

  By Professor Mafa M. Sejanamane “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” Niccolo Machiavelli Overview THE principles and objectives of SADC since its formation are enumerated in the Consolidated Text of the Treaty of the Southern African Development Community. Among the principles […]

December 04, 2015
3 views 10 mins 0

SADC ministers lost the plot on social media

  Mahao Mahao LAST Friday evening I (and later discovered many other Basotho) watched an unbelievable bulletin on SABC news. The first episode of the drama was performed by a certain Dumisani Dlangamandla, Swaziland’s communications minister. This was at a forum held in Maseru for SADC communication ministers. Two main features of his speech stood […]

December 02, 2015
5 views 8 mins 0

China-Africa summit: what to look for beyond the hype and hypocrisy

The Africa-China summit will provide an opportunity to get a feel for how the Chinese President is responding to democratic developments in Africa. Beijing’s selection of South Africa to host the China-Africa heads of state summit may indicate Chinese President Xi Jinping’s personal commitment to the continent. This is the first time the summit is […]

November 27, 2015
1 views 11 mins 0

Where to from here after the eighth NCP?

  Makhabane Maluke THE 11-13 November 2015 National Community Parliament (NCP) sitting had its good features, including an anticipation to be addressed by The Honourable Prime Minister, to close its opening session. The purpose of the NCP is to strive for popular participation in matters of governance. That is commendable. How that is done is […]

November 27, 2015
4 views 11 mins 0

Lesotho’s economy under siege

  Utloang Kajeno HEADLINES such as “Budget delay subdues economic activity” and “Govt pays off MPs loans” (Lesotho Times, November 12 2015) make for disturbing reading.  This is more so because Lesotho has a very fragile economy that needs to be managed with a great deal of circumspection and expertise. As time goes and the […]

November 05, 2015
3 views 5 mins 0

Giving life shouldn’t cost a life

  Andrew Mews IN September this year, two-year-old Mpho was supposed to become a big brother. Instead, because his parents could not afford to pay for his mother, Lerato, to give birth at the nearest district hospital, he became an orphan. Lerato went into labour one afternoon. The women trying to help her give birth […]

October 22, 2015
3 views 9 mins 0


  By Sofonea Shale Though Lesotho is one of the homogenous societies known in the world, it is also one of the highly divided political societies.  The contentions are high on the question whether the congress-national divide is real or artificial but the reality is that for convenience politicians use it to achieve their goals […]

October 22, 2015
3 views 13 mins 0

Lesotho’s parly democracy at work

  Makhabane Maluke LESOTHO is in its lane as a democratic kingdom among other democracies committed to the Westminster model, and in the race to evolve into a working democracy. All efforts have to be made to ensure that it does not fall in the trap of being a poor performer in its practice of […]