Tokelo Rasephei
Mohale’s Hoek
A WOMAN from Ha Mapooane will soon appear in court to face charges of culpable homicide after she allegedly knocked down and killed a five-year-old child in Mohale’s Hoek.
Police reports show that on 5 April the 41-year-old woman was driving at high speed when she accidentally knocked down the child who died on the spot.
She is expected to appear in court once investigations have been completed.
Malefetsane Mokhele (41), from Mafeteng District, will make his second appearance at the Mafeteng Magistrate Court on 20 April on murder charges.
Mokhele is accused of stabbing and killing a 23-year-old herd man from Ha Sebaki in Mafeteng with a spear after he found him herding his cattle in his field.
Indications are that Mokhele got into a dispute with the now deceased when the latter refused to let him take the cattle to the chief where he wanted to make a claim to be compensated for his damaged crops.
The herd man was taken to Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital where he died of his stab wounds.
Five men aged from 30 to 38 are this week scheduled to appear at the Butha-Buthe Magistrate’s Court after being found in possession of stolen goods.
Police said the five men were found with television sets, radios and laptops that were reported stolen by several residents from Botha Bothe.
Jakobo Mokhutsoane (27), from Ha Tsolo, Khothatso Manki (28) from Lepereng, Thuso Pakela (26) from Khubetsoana were on 6 April remanded on M1000 bail when they appeared before the Maseru Magistrate’s Court answering to charges of vehicle theft.
They however, failed to raise the bail money and will remain in remand prison until they appear in court on 18 April.
The trio allegedly stole a Toyota Saloon car and stripped it of its parts.
The state said the car was stolen some time last year at the owner’s premises and the police managed to recover the engine, two seats and the bonnet at Mathokoane while the car shell was sold to a scrap dealer.