MASERU – A 26-year-old man from Ha-Molungoa in Maseru appeared in the Maseru Magistrate’s Court on Monday charged with rape.
Monyane Rasekoai pleaded not guilty to the charge.
The court however heard that Rasekoai had first demanded food from his victim before allegedly raping her at gunpoint.
Sporting a bald head, a black tracksuit and cream white-collar shirt, Rasekoai sat in the dock bowing his head while his alleged victim gave the graphic details of how he had allegedly raped her on Christmas Day last year.
The Lesotho Times has withheld the 29-year-old complainant’s name for ethical reasons.
She told the court that after she had given him food Rasekoai had told her that what he needed more was sex.
“I was at my home on December 25 2009 when Monyane arrived and asked for food,” she said.
“I gave him food but he said at his home meat is cooked, what he needed was my vagina.”
She said when she tried to ignore Rasekoai’s demands he pulled out a gun and pointed it on her left ear.
She alleged that when she asked him what he was doing Rasekoai pulled out a knife and held her neck against it.
“I had told him that my husband was at my aunt’s home and he should tell him what he wanted to do to me,” she said.
“He said that he was not afraid of my husband and said he wanted to kill him like another villager who had been killed.”
The complainant told the court that Rasekoai threatened to kill her if she resisted.
He then raped her, she alleged.
“I was scared of the knife and gun. He ordered me to bath and not tell my husband what had happened,” she said.
She told the court that her attacker had told her that “they were now in love and will come to have sex with him again when her husband had gone back to work”.
“He said that I should not report the incident to the police because if I did he would kill me,” she said.
“I was dazed after the ordeal and felt as if something was falling from my backside.”
The complainant said her elder child had helped her walk to her in-laws to report what had just happened.
“I couldn’t walk up straight as I felt pain on my body,” she said.
The case continues today before Magistrate Senekal Qobolo and is prosecuted by crown counsel Peter Matekane.