Mamohlakola Letuka
THE United Nations Development Programme has launched the second phase of the Common Country Analysis (CCA) aimed at identifying and analysing key development issues in preparation for the 2019-2023 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).
The UNDAF is the strategic medium-term results framework that describes the collective vision and response of the UN system to national development priorities and results.
It defines how the UN Country Team contributes to the achievement of development goals on the basis of an analysis and assessment of a country’s needs.
The Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan that is currently being implemented will end in 2018 hence the new 2019-2023 UNDAF.
Speaking during the launch this week, United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator, Salvator Niyonzima said that the CCA was an important step in the development of the UNDAF for Lesotho as it would support the implementation of the second National Strategic Development Plan (NSDPII).
“I wish to acknowledge the current government’s efforts and consultations to develop the NSDPII,” Mr Niyonzima said, adding, “I appreciate the fact that the UN System is included in the ongoing multi-stakeholder engagement”.
He said that their workshop provided a unique opportunity to learn from and review critical findings from the CCA report.
“These (findings) will form the foundation upon which the UN will develop a UNDAF that responds to the development needs of Lesotho within the broader framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
He added that as Lesotho implemented the NSDPll and the SDGs which seek to end poverty and achieve sustainable development among other things, the country should draw important lessons from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The MDGs were a universal commitment by nations to a new global partnership adopted in 2000 to reduce extreme poverty, and other development challenges by 2015.
They were replaced by the SDGs which seek to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda from 2015 to 2030.
Mr Niyonzima said the CCA covers the actual situation of Lesotho in terms of governance, policy and the legislative environment for achieving the SDGs.
He added that CCA is rights-based, identifying the root causes of multi-dimensional poverty, inequalities and discrimination.
It also addresses the reasons why government officials and other partners are not living up to their obligations resulting in the citizens’ failure to enjoy their rights.
“The CCA assesses the impact of development challenges on different groups and geographic areas, with a focus on vulnerable and marginalised groups such as children, women, persons with disability and others.
“This analysis will form the basis for targeting areas in the UNDAF,” Mr Niyonzima said.
He said Lesotho had achieved mixed results in the implementation of the MDGs.
“While the country has shown progress in the areas of education, gender equality, the environment and global partnership for development, it fared less in the health and poverty-related MDGs.
“The UN system is committed to working with Lesotho to tackle the unfinished MDGs business while at the same time supporting the implementation of the SDGs,” Mr Niyonzima said.