The gaming market is one of the most productive industries in the modern era. With remote entertainment raising its relevance globally, the online gaming industry generates hundreds of billions a year right now, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll slow down anytime soon.
While Africa wasn’t as involved in this line of entertainment as other continents, gaming has gained popularity among the African population in the past few years. This is in part thanks to the advance of technology and the elevated access to smartphones and other smart devices worldwide. This includes the African continent, in which access to mobile devices is increasing consistently in the present.
South Africa is the African territory setting the precedents for online gaming in this continent. While the growth of this industry started slowly and for a while, it made it seem like it was never going to take over African entertainment fully. We have also seen a significant number of gaming streamers on both Twitch and Youtube, as well as other gaming influencers across South African social media communities.
Types of Online Games
In the past, land-based casinos were so popular that we used African good luck charms for gambling when visiting one of these establishments. But recently, everyone has been turning to online games and even casinos to fulfill their entertainment needs. So now your good luck charm can sit right next to you when you need it.
Both PC and mobile games are becoming highly requested worldwide; online games like shooters or RPGs are extremely successful. But sports, adventures, horror, and other genres are also succeeding among the common public; part of the incredible growth of the gaming industry is because of the extremely wide variety of games available in the market, meaning that virtually anyone can find something of their interest.
Internet users can also easily find online casinos if they prefer slot games or live dealer games. You only need a webcam and a stable internet connection to play with other users from all over the globe.
But, What Are The Main Aspects That Are Making The South African Gaming Industry Grow?
Just as in the rest of the world, the online gaming industry in South Africa is growing more than anyone could ever imagine. With everyone staying home, even for work, many people turned to the Internet for entertainment and to connect with others.
Increased Number of Mobile Devices
Only South Africa reported that more than 50% of the population had a mobile device in the African continent four years ago. Still, the number has risen significantly since then, and to this day, most people in this continent own one of these devices.
The increased accessibility of smartphones allows gamers to play independently of their place, which brings a world of possibilities for them to take advantage of. Mobile games are usually free to download, making them pretty affordable compared to console games or other types of entertainment.
Fortunately, there is a world of possibilities when it comes to gaming on a mobile device, so there are always great free games to try, no matter what genre you’re interested in. In some cases, there are additional accessories you can purchase to enhance your gaming experience through your smartphone.
Increased Access To Internet In South Africa
With the advance of the developers’ technology and the internet coverage in Africa, there is no doubt that this number will continue to rise. We currently know that the Internet’s availability in South Africa grew more than 300% in the last decade, meaning that now most of the African population can access the Internet regularly.
Africa is known for electricity and infrastructure issues, but the introduction of smartphones and the Internet is making steady progress and will continue to expand in the years to come.
Increase Of The Percentage Of Younger Population
It is expected to increase the population between zero and twenty-four by 2050. In this year, the expectation is that half of the people will be in this range of age. This means that not only will there be more South Africans interested in gaming, but they will be eager to try new types of technology, forcing African technology to elevate rapidly to the level that other countries are already exploring right now.
Summing Up
Technology and its advancements are changing the way we see the world, and at the same time, it’s bringing us all closer together. With the globalization of technological advances like high-quality Internet and affordable devices, these types of entertainment are closer to being accessible for the majority, making it one of the most prolific business lines in growing.