MASERU — Theatre lovers are set to enjoy Zakes Mda’s The Mother of All Eating in Maseru next month.
The play will be presented by Mantilatilane Productions at Pioneer Shopping Centre from December 16 to 18.
The classic one-man satire explores pervasive corruption involving crooked government officials.
The play centres on The Man, the principal secretary of state who is corrupt to the core and has enriched himself within the ranks of his government.
The Man is the main figure involved in a government tender that goes wrong and turns to haunt him and his family, threatening their lives and bringing their extravagant lifestyle to an abrupt end.
Set in Lesotho in the 1980s, the first theatre production of The Mother of All Eating was staged in 1992.
“This piece is very interesting and entertaining because it tackles issues of corporate governance and corruption that are as relevant today as they were when it was first performed in 1992,” ‘Malitsitso Moteane of Mantilatilane told the Weekender.
“We are trying to create a platform for people to ask themselves why corruption is still an issue after such a long time since the piece was produced.”
This spine-chilling re-enactment of Mda’s timeless classic is directed by Makhaola Ndebele with Tefo Omphile Paya the main man and it features Bernett Mulungu as the musical composer and pianist.
Mda was born in the Eastern Cape, spent his childhood in Soweto and finished his school education in Lesotho where he joined his father in exile.
He is the writer of plays, novels, poems and articles for academic journals and newspapers.