Limpho Sello
A Chinese civil construction company, Sinohydro Corporation Lesotho, yesterday presented prizes to students who excelled in last year’s Grade Seven examinations.
The learners were drawn from six schools from the Nazareth area, and the prize-giving ceremony sponsored to the tune of M15 000, took place at Nazareth Primary School.
Thirty nine students who obtained first class passes in the Primary School Leaving Examinations each received a hamper containing a notepad, lunch box, pen and certificate while the six schools each got a soccer ball.
Of the 39, eight were from Baroana Primary school, eight from Nazareth, 10 from Thabana-Tšoana Primary, five from Mohlaka oa luka, another five from Masapong and three from Ratau. Baroana, Thabana-Tšoana and Nazareth were the top three schools and received trophies.
In his address, Sinohydro Project Manager Luo Jizhong paid tribute to the schools, teachers and parents for their contributions which ensured the students’ excellent results.
He also congratulated the students for their success.
“I’m very excited as I stand before you today. Now that you are in high school this is the time to plan your future and work hard,” Mr Jizhong said.
“Develop your careers with all the knowledge you have gained in your primary schools and from your teachers. I’m sure you are all happy and excited that this day occurred.”
One of the prize-winning students Qothelo Chele said the group was delighted to perform well and become the first recipients of the awards in the area.
“This is the first time such a ceremony is happening in our area and we are very happy. Let us work hard in our studies, especially those who managed to go to secondary schools because I was not able to go due to financial reasons,” Chele said.
Lerotholi High School Principal Ms Agnes Mpiki Fobo said it was sad to see children from disadvantaged backgrounds roaming around when they were supposed to be attending school, more so when they had passed well like Chele.
“Financially disadvantaged children need to make sure that they have their birth certificates and in the case of orphans, they should have the death certificates of their parents. They should take the documents to the Ministry of Social Development for assistance,” Ms Fobo said.
Ms Fobo instructed Chele to report to Lerotholi High School on Monday so that she would enroll as a student.
“You will attend for free because it’s already late to help you apply for a scholarship. We will look at that issue next year. Just come to school on Monday,” Ms Fobo said.
Mr Jizhong also commended the community for supporting the company during the construction of the Metolong Dam. The project is almost complete, save for minor details due to be finalised in September.
“We appreciate your support during our stay here because we have made great progress. We hope to call on the same support if we get another opportunity to carry out other civil works,” said Mr Jizhong.
“Sinohydro was founded in 1952 and is 64 years old today (Wednesday). We have built more than 80 percent of Dams in China and about 50percent of Dams around the world.”