Scrutator has made this call before. I reiterate it again. The need to overhaul Lesotho’s electoral system has never become more urgent. We need an electoral system that produces coherent, accountable governments to govern effectively. Imagine if we had a fair electoral system, the RFP would be governing on its own without being lumbered by distractions of little parties like the moribund BAP. It would then become much easier to hold the party accountable. Unwieldly coalitions have not helped in fostering efficient governance.
The current system of trying to accommodate every Tšepiso, Tšepisang and Tšepang in the government process has not worked. It will never work. The proportional representation seat might have been devised with noble objectives in mind. It has however proved useless in fostering effective governance. It serves no viable purpose other than to accommodate dunderheads in the National Assembly.
My call for an overhaul of the system has assumed new urgency after the shit-show in the House fronted by someone called Remaketse Sehlabaka last week.
Ntate Sehlabaka is the sole PR MP of something called the Mpulule Political Summit (MPS). This is supposedly a “political party”. I had never heard about it before until last week.
How such a “party” and its “representative” make it into any parliament should astonish all and sundry. But such are the vagaries of our Mixed Member Proportional Representation (MMPR) system that anyone who can gather enough votes from their children, illegitimate children, children of their nyatsis, uncles, cousins and aunts in the village can scrap through into Parliament via the PR system. The result is the disastrous situation of having “political parties” and characters like Ntate Sehlabaka in what should be a venerable House.
Apparently, in his “infinite wisdom”, Ntate Sehlabaka introduced a motion in the National Assembly last week calling on the government to ban the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme for adolescent girls. The HPV vaccination has been scientifically proven to be the indispensable solution to preventing cervical cancer in females with an almost 99 percent success rate. It must be administered early in young girls to be effective.
But in Ntate Sehlabaka’s “infinite wisdom”, the HPV is making young girls too horny once administered. They then strut the streets looking for men to give them quickies, exposing them to early pregnancies, STDs and more ominously HIV/AIDS, he claimed.
According to Ntate Sehlabaka, once the vaccine has been administered on the young girls, their libidos shoot through their heads and the rooftops of their parents’ homes. The vaccination project “induces” the girls into wanting sex madly. It must not only be suspended forthwith, anyone caught administering the vaccines must be apprehended, he opines. I could not believe myself listening to Ntate Sehlabaka sprouting this anthropological gibberish.
“One parent was angry, sharing with me how her 13-year-old daughter is pregnant. She had started engaging in sexual activities after being vaccinated with HPV vaccine,” Mr Sehlabaka claimed.
“While this vaccine has been approved by donors and other organisations, it has severe implications on children, which must be scrutinised. Children shouldn’t have been vaccinated in the first place.”
There is no reason to interrogate Ntate Sehlabaka’s warped logic any further. Suffice to just ask a few questions.
First, he must produce that 13-year-old girl whom he says “became” horny after getting the HPV vaccine. He must produce other girls who have specifically asked him for sex on account of heir horniness after getting the vaccine. Scrutator assumes he can only have become such an expert on the subject of vaccinations from his personal experiences with vaccinated girls. Otherwise, how can he be so confident the vaccine induces horniness. It must be from experience?
Has he been a recent guest of the Taliban in Afghanistan, who instituted a decree banning all girls from going to school after they re-seized power in 2021?
Is Ntate Sehlabaka part of those apostolic faith churches run by paedophiles who prey on young girls and ban children from being immunised because “prayer” is the best cure for all diseases?
Who are the supporters of the Mpulule Political Summit (MPS) “political party”. Can they all pitch up at Ulala on Friday at 12 noon. I will buy them a cool drink and portion of lamb chops each in exchange of them explaining what they were thinking when they foisted their Sehlabaka down our electoral throats? What does the name Sehlabaka actually mean? Is there anything in Ntate Sehlabaka’s brain cavity?
If Ntate Sehlabaka is the type and quality of the best that Basotho can put in parliament, doesn’t that explain why this country will forever remain a laggard?
Why did National Assembly Speaker Ntate Tlohang Sekhamane not order Ntate Sehlabaka’s arrest for treason soon after he introduced the insane motion?
What steps has Ntate Sekhamane taken to have Ntate Sehlabaka’s head examined by a properly qualified and most competent psychiatrist? If such an examination happens and Ntate Sehlabaka is found to have some form of brain in his cavity and his motion is not dismissed on account of his insanity, can Ntate Sekhamane undertake now that he will have Ntate Sehlabaka put in a remote jail and have the keys thrown deep down into Katse dam? Basotho deserve such a guarantee? What did Ntate Sekhamane think he was doing by even allowing such malarkey of a motion to even be tabled and debated? Why did other MPs who took Ntate Sehlabaka to task over his motion, even decide to dignify it by debating it?
Did Ntate Sehlabaka ever see the door of anything called a classroom? If so, which school did he go to? Which teachers tutored him? Why shouldn’t that school be closed and all the teachers who produced Ntate Sehlabaka be jailed?
In light of his insane motion, will my calls for electoral reform be finally taken seriously to ensure that we exclude chancers like Ntate Sehlabaka and have real people representing real parties in Parliament? I keep my fingers crossed.
It has become quite fashionable for people to abuse social media to besmirch others and then expect to get away with it. One such abuser is one Jacobus Thuso Makhalanyane. It is common cause that he has been at the forefront of doing the bidding for the crooks behind the collapse of Platinum Credit. He has also been besmirching the five white men who – according to him “laundered” – the initial investment into Platinum Credit. What Makhalanyane is not explaining is why he is fighting hard to help these crooks gain access to this money if it was laundered in the first place? Why is he not telling us the quantum of the cut he has been promised in exchange of his efforts to help them gain access?
But Makhalanyane has now gone far in his buffoonery and tomfoolery by accusing Judge Moroke Mokhesi of corruption. Judge Mokhesi is one of the judges who had vindicated Platcorp’s claim to ownership of this money in some of the 15 civil cases the company has won in the civil courts in the last 24 months. This before a dubious case was manufactured accusing the Platcorp executives of money laundering as a pretext to steal their money.
Judge Mokhesi is right in his bid to hold Makhalanyane accountable for his lies. For doing his job – just like other judges have done in vindicating Platcorp – Makhalanyane now falsely accuses the judge of being “corrupt”.
I cannot think of a more serious case than making such an accusation against a judge. Makhalanyane believes he can get away with murder by simply disowning his Facebook account. He is in for real shit. We urge Judge Mokhesi not to buy into this canard? We urge you judge to go after this buffoon. Makhalanyane must prove the judge is indeed corrupt or be jailed. Everyone knows that Judge Mokhesi is a clean man and is as sober as a judge. But just because he passed a ruling that Makhalanyane and cohorts don’t like, he is now being unfairly besmirched just like Makhalanyane has been besmirching this national masthead for taking a stand against crooks. As we have reported previously, it’s Makhalanyane who is corrupt after he was paid M100 000 to do the bidding for crooked Platinum Credit couple. Evidence of his corruption is there in court documents. He has now served us with summons for “defamation”. We are salivating at the prospect of meeting and exposing the buffoon in court where our statements will be privileged. We hope he can get a hearing date sooner. Thanks for bringing it on mother f***r.