DEMOCRATIC Congress Secretary-General Semano Sekatle:
“We were not invited as a party and did not even know that Mr Cyril Ramaphosa would be coming, but should we be invited we would be more than willing to participate.”
Lesotho Congress for Democracy deputy leader Tšeliso Mokhosi:
“We do want the reforms badly, but will only participate if the situation is conducive. As for now, the prevailing conditions are not conducive for the process.
“We will be more than willing to participate but not while we still have to duck and hide.”
National Independent Party leader Kimetso Mathaba:
“We had agreed earlier that any government coming into power should prioritise the reforms. We still stand by those words.
“We would gladly participate in the reforms.”
Popular Front for Democracy leader Lekhetho Rakuoane:
“We signed a pledge to support the reforms process and there is no turning back on that. Whatever the situation, we shall overcome while working towards the reforms. We want to participate fully in the reforms.”