Salaries for Attorney-General, Auditor-General, Ombudsman, Director of Public Prosecutions, Independent Electoral Commission and Public Service Commission chairpersons also gazetted
Billy Ntaote
The government has revealed new salaries for statutory position-holders such as the Chief Justice, High Court judges, Attorney-General, Auditor-General, Ombudsman, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), as well as Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and Public Service Commission chairpersons.
The salaries are contained in Legal Notice No 27 of 2016 published on 8 April by Public Service Minister Tsukutlane Au.
However, a government gazette with the salaries and benefits was only circulated to Members of Parliament in the National Assembly on Tuesday this week.
According to the gazette, the Chief Justice’s annual salary has been increased from M529, 824.00 to M551, 028.00. For High Court judges and the Attorney General, the salaries have been hiked from M437, 664.00 to M455, 172.00 a year.
For the Ombudsman, Auditor-General, DPP, Public Service and IEC chairpersons, their salaries are now M446, 532.00 per annum.
In monthly terms, the Chief Justice would now earn a gross salary of M45, 919.00, while judges and the Attorney General each get M37, 931.00.
The Ombudsman, Auditor-General, DPP, Public Service Commission and IEC chairpersons would now be earning monthly gross salaries of M37, 211.00.
The Legal Notice also includes the benefits of the various statutory position-holders.
For instance, those who fall under Category A, namely the Chief Justice, judges and Attorney General, are entitled to a rent-free government house or housing allowance of M4000 per month for the former and M3,500 for the latter.
The same officials are also entitled to an official government vehicle or car allowance “at the rate to be determined by the Minister of Public Service in consultation with the Minister of Finance”.
The Legal Notice further states if the option is for a car allowance, “the Chief Justice and judges shall purchase a black Mercedes Benz for both official and private business; the Attorney General shall purchase a white Mercedes Benz for both official and private business; the car shall be fully insured, maintained and fueled at government expense for the duration of its warranty after which it shall be replaced by the owner; and the car shall be privately registered at the cost of the owner but shall retain government registration number for security and protocol purposes”.
The schedule also provides there shall be a utility vehicle for the Chief Justice.
For ‘responsibility and expense allowances’, the Chief Justice would receive M5000.00 per month while judges and the Attorney General get M4, 000.00 each
The Chief Justice, judges and Attorney General are also entitled to personal staffers who include an executive secretary, house-helper, gardener, and chauffeur.
All statutory position-holders are also entitled to interest-free loans of M500, 000.00 payable over five years.
They are also entitled to five days holiday a year in an African country of their choice.