THE case in which missing policeman Mokalekale Khetheng’s father Mr Thabo Khetheng is seeking a High Court order to compel the police authorities to produce his son dead or alive, has been moved to today after it failed to proceed yesterday due to a power blackout at the court.
The case was scheduled to start with the presentation of oral evidence after Mr Khetheng and the police filed conflicting versions of the events in their papers.
According to Mr Khetheng’s court application filed on 18 July 2016 his son, Police Constable (PC) Mokalekale Khetheng was last seen when he was arrested by colleagues in Sebothoane, Leribe on 25 March this year. According to Mr Khetheng, he was arrested on suspicion of arson after the “government house allocated to the Officer Commanding Mokhotlong police station got burned or it caught fire”.
The Commissioner of Police, Officer Commanding Hlotse Police Station, Minister of Police, Minister of Defence, Commander Lesotho Defence Force, Director-General National Security Service, Prime Minister and Attorney-General are cited as first to eighth respondents respectively in the matter.
In the court papers the father wants PC Khetheng’s continued detention by the respondents “alternatively the first and second respondents be declared null and void”.
In the event PC Khetheng is produced to the court dead, Mr Khetheng wants the Prime Minister to convene a commission of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death “and to make appropriate recommendations”.