Key Speakers (from left) Sepinare Lenkoe, Robert Likhang, Kevin Milne, Gabbi Ruckert, Seenyane Nthejane and Steed Duncan-Smith
Mohalenyane Phakela
METROPOLITAN Lesotho yesterday launched a new product, Financial Wellness aimed at assisting clients of the insurance firm to manage their finances.
The ceremony was held at ‘Manthabiseng Convention Centre in Maseru and the product is tailored for companies that are clients of Metropolitan Lesotho and their employees, who will not have to pay anything to benefit.
All they have to do is set up an appointment with Metropolitan Lesotho’s financial advisors.
Different speakers from Metropolitan Lesotho and its parent company, MMI Holdings took turns to explain the benefits of the product.
The speakers included Steed Duncan-Smith, a Client Relationship Manager in MMI Holdings, Kevin Milne (an economist at MMI) as well as Gabbi Ruckert, a Business Development Executive at MMI Holdings Africa and Asia.
The Metropolitan Lesotho team consisted of Employee Benefits Expert, Seenyane Nthejane and Health Expert, Sepinare Lenkoe. The guest motivational speaker was chartered accountant, Robert Likhang.
Mr Nthejane said that the new product would ensure that employees were wholly focused on the job and worry less about their wellbeing outside the workplace.
“Debts affect the performance of an employee which in turn affects the company performance so we at Metropolitan Lesotho want to take the responsibility off the employer’s hands by ensuring the wellbeing of the employers,” Mr Nthejane said.
“We do this through Financial Wellness’ four pillars which are My Future Fitness which focuses on financial and physical health, My Golden Years which deals with retirement information and financial planning, My Money Management which is about investing for the future and lastly My Life Choices through which we assist clients to buy their preferred personal assets such as cars.
“The benefits of Financial Wellness to the employer are that there are no additional costs, there is improved staff productivity, reduced time-off and less financial requests from employees. Employees will also have access to financial advisors, less financial stress and also protect their financial future,” he said.
On the other hand, Mr Likhang encouraged the audience to pursue their dreams, saying, “It takes courage to forge through the storms of doubt to success but bear in mind that courage is not the absence of fear but acting despite fear so you need to soar like an eagle in order to be successful despite the storms around you”.
“An eagle sees the target (prey), plans the trip (attack), prioritises it and then claims the target and circumstances remain no excuses for failure as the eagle and its children depend on it for the next meal.
“You have circumstances around you that I know not of but do not let them stop you from claiming your dream for no one has to determine the terms of your success but yourself. Do not let yourself suffer from the “excusitis” which is a chronic disease of having excuses for not claiming what is yours.
“Hitler (infamous German dictator) nearly conquered Europe despite being a tramp in Austria and Shaka (Zulu nation founder) conquered much of what is now South Africa despite being an illegitimate child and I also became a chartered accountant in spite of my poor background.
“Claim your dream by thinking it, feeling it, doing it and by putting speed into it. Every process that bears fruits has a painful journey. Live every moment with an end in mind and FOCUS (Follow One Cause Unit Successfully) always,” he said.