Nthatuoa Koeshe
METROPOLITAN Lesotho yesterday launched its digital enquiries kiosk to improve its services to its clients.
Each of the organisation’s branches now has a self-service digital terminal touch screen for Metropolitan clients to type in their enquiries and complaints whenever they are not satisfied with the organisations’ services.
Metropolitan branding and marketing manager, Ts’okolo Makeka, said the innovation was in line with the company’s drive to improve its services and clients’ experience.
He said Metropolitan is taking a lead in improving customer satisfaction.
Mr Makeka said the Kiosk would help them to get feedback from the consumers of their products and services so that they know what to improve.
“Usually clients complain about the services they get and because they are in need of the service, they end up dying silently,” Mr Makeka said.
“We want the clients to be fully honest about the services they get and we believe that if they do that then the feedback we get is 100 percent authentic.”
Mr Makeka said the feedback punched into the kiosk’s platform reaches the top management who will deal with it.
“The idea is to be more responsive and consider our consumer’s rights because it is an open secret that in Lesotho consumer rights are not prioritised and as Metropolitan we want to show that we are taking that seriously.
“Unlike suggestion boxes, we respond immediately and if an inquiry requires more attention, we let the client know that we are working on it,” he said.
Metropolitan Lesotho client, Rathebe Thejane, hailed the kiosk as an brilliant invention and was the best idea the company has ever brought as she did not trust the manual feedback system.
“I don’t think the old way was authentic because I believe any member of the staff can rip off a complaint against them,” Ms Thejane said.