Home NewsLocal News Lover’s killer found guilty

Lover’s killer found guilty

by Lesotho Times
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Moorosi Tsiane

AS the judiciary continues to grapple with domestic violence cases, High Court Judge ‘Maliepollo Makhetha has found a Sea-Point man guilty of the brutal murder of his lover, former Nedbank Service Manager, ‘Mathabo Lelimo.

Limpho Lethunya was arrested in 2021 in connection with Ms Lelimo’s death. The two were living together in a rented house in Sea-Point, Maseru at the time.

A dedicated sportswoman and Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission (LSRC) Commissioner, Ms Lelimo was found lying in a pool of blood in her home by her younger sister, ‘Maselebalo, on 16 May 2021.

According to evidence presented by the Crown, Lethunya fatally assaulted Ms Lelimo on the night of 15 May 2021, repeatedly banging her head against the ceramic floor tiles and walls.

Crown counsel Advocate Lehlohonolo Phooko called five witnesses, including the deceased’s seven-year-old son, Kobo-Kholo Monese, Ms Lelimo’s sister ‘Maselebalo, and Lethunya’s childhood friend, Katiso Lebabo, who had accompanied him home from the Deck Restaurant where they had been drinking. The police officer who arrested Lethunya in Mafeteng, Detective Constable Makhoanye, also testified. The defence, however, only called Lethunya as a witness.

In his defence, Lethunya claimed he was intoxicated and acted out of provocation after seeing a romantic WhatsApp message sent to Ms Lelimo by another man named Peter.

Delivering the judgment, Justice Makhetha said the evidence clearly showed the attack was brutal. She referenced the blood found on the floor under the sofa, on the walls, and on the curtains, as well as the fatal head injuries outlined in the doctor’s report.

“These factors lead to the conclusion that the deceased was mercilessly banged against the ceramic tiles and the walls with the intention to end her life,” Justice Makhetha said.

The judge added that the Crown had proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Lethunya had unlawfully and intentionally assaulted Ms Lelimo, leading to her death.

“This court finds the accused guilty of murder as charged,” ruled Justice Makhetha.

The matter will proceed next Tuesday, with Lethunya’s lawyer, Adv Tsooana Mosokotso, expected to present mitigating arguments before sentencing.

During her testimony, ‘Maselebalo described the moment she discovered her sister’s body on 16 May 2021. She had gone to pick up Ms Lelimo for church, as they had planned, only to find her sister unresponsive on the couch.

“I found my sister lying on the couch in the lounge. She had bruises on her forehead, a black eye, and some white liquid around her nose. I tried to wake her, but she didn’t respond. There was blood on the couch, walls, and curtains, as if her head had been hit against the walls,” said ‘Maselebalo.

She added that Ms Lelimo’s laptop, Nedbank jacket, and blue backpack were missing. ‘Maselebalo also testified that she knew Lethunya as her sister’s lover, but the relationship had become strained, with Ms Lelimo wanting to end it.

“She told me the day before her death that she had fallen out of love with him and wanted to break up, but Lethunya refused, saying he doesn’t get dumped and would rather kill the person trying to leave him.”

Lethunya’s childhood friend, Mr Lebabo, testified that on the morning of the murder, Lethunya called him via WhatsApp and admitted to killing Ms Lelimo before fleeing to Bloemfontein.

“He told me they had fought, and he had killed her. I was in shock and didn’t know how to respond,” Mr Lebabo said.


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