Home NewsLocal News Journalists complete two-week seminar in China

Journalists complete two-week seminar in China

by Lesotho Times
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Hopolang Mokhopi

Thirty-one journalists and media executives from 13 countries have completed a two-week seminar on China’s media convergence, communication strategies, and culture in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province.

The seminar was aimed at sharing China’s practical experience in journalism and communication and was organised by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Zhejiang Normal University from 18 to 31 July.

The participants were selected from ‘Belt and Road’ countries including Lesotho, which was represented by Lesotho Times cub-reporter Hopolang Mokhopi. The other countries represented at the seminar were Botswana, Cuba, Tajikistan, Ghana, South Sudan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Samoa, Uganda, and Palestine.

China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative is a global development strategy that seeks to connect countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa through infrastructure, trade and investment to improve economic and political ties and promote cultural exchanges.

The participants were introduced to China’s national economic and cultural development, as well as the vital role of journalism, short videos and film-making and strategic communication in this process, through a combination of lectures, on-site teaching, discussion-sessions, visits and cultural activities.

A Chinese martial art (Taijiquan) and visits to Liangzhu Museum, Hangzhou West Lake and Huszsi Mountain in Pan’an as well as cultural activities were also part of the seminar’s practical experience.

In the closing ceremony, Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection, Zhejiang Normal University, Fu Guanfu, said discussion about the development, current situation and achievements of the media industry in various countries highlighted the huge potential for cooperation in the fields of media between the invited countries and China.

“Serve as a bridge to facilitate communication between your countries and China and also introduce China to your people in an objective and comprehensive manner, and promote extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits between ‘Belt and Road’ countries and China,” Fu Guanfu said.

Culture, he added, becomes diverse through exchange and rich manual learning.

“I hope that we can keep in touch and share successful experiences in media convergence working together to seek high-quality development in the media industry. By joining hands together, we will promote the development of the global media industry,” he concluded.



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