Home Scrutator How can 72 million people be so dumb 

How can 72 million people be so dumb 

by Lesotho Times
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So there you have it. Our own version of Machesetsa is now in the White House.  The Donald is now president elect of the world’s “greatest” nation – the United States. Yes, we get some goodies here in Lesotho from Uncle Sam to help us pay for the poverty created by the misgovernance and corruption of our politicians. And it’s indeed a huge amount of money. Just consider, the  more than M6 billion to be expended under Compact II?  And the M5 billion expended under the first Compact?  It’s all gigantic. It’s not only Lesotho of course benefiting, Africa as a whole benefits from America’s generosity.   

That doesn’t mean that when Americans do stupid things, we should fail to call them out for those. 

In that regard, I therefore ask, how can 72 million be so stupid? How can a whole 72 million people be so moronic? The thing about American politics is that its choices don’t only affect Americans, they reverberate across the whole world. Just spare a thought for President Zelensky in Ukraine. He is now more likely to lose a chunk of territory to the war criminal Putin. Trump made it clear he is not going to bankroll Zelensky’s war effort to counter the unjustified invasion of his country. Cognizant of the high number of Basotho who live under huge stones, I normally shy away from commenting on international politics. But the tragic outcome of the American elections requires mention. Lesotho does not exist in a vacuum. 

Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, had already questioned why American taxpayers should be worrying about an ailing Mosotho in Qacha, who voluntarily contracted HIV by knowingly having unprotected sex? Why should Americans pay for his healthcare and medication? For those who remember, it’s President George Bush who introduced PEPFAR and other American aid programmes that saved millions of African lives from Aids. Trump and Vance think that is all money that was put to waste. 

They want to have all aid programmes cut and USAID eliminated. So if any Mosotho thinks the crazy outcome of the latest round of American elections won’t affect them, you should think again boMme boNtate. It is going to be rough. We might lose all the generosity of Uncle Sam. In fact, we are going to lose it all. The sooner we got our act together the better for our future. Rather than be given fish for our survival, we better start to learn how to fish to feed ourselves. 

But it’s not only the potential loss of American help that gets me worried about a Trump victory.  I worry because the man is a plain idiot. That was very much evident throughout his first term as president. More than 100 of his former close aides have said as such. In fact, his former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson branded him a “fucking moron”.  America surely had better candidates. Mme Kamala was a decent candidate. How 72 million people – Trump’s popular vote tally as of last night – could thus opt for a moron at the expense of such a decent, kissable pretty woman is thus unfathomable. Trump is a convicted criminal, a potential rapist and a generally unlamentable character.  Are Americans going to be proud of putting a criminal in the Oval Office? These 72 million people owe the world an apology. 

Sadly, the Democrats were also their own worst enemies. Doddering and Sleepy Joe Biden spent most of his time sleeping. If he was awake, he was busy shipping arms to the son of a w****, Benjamin Netanyahu, to kill Palestinian women and children. I have since stopped watching Al-Jazeera.  The suffering of Palestinians is gut wrenching.  What Arab Americans, who boycotted Mme Kamala in Michigan and elsewhere  to protest Biden’s policies, failed to consider is that Trump is going to be even worse. With his victory, Netanyahu has a licence to kill and maim more Palestinian women and children.  And Mme Kamala authored her own misfortunes by failing to distance herself from some of Biden’s policies. I shall also never understand why he chose the dud, Tim Walz, as a running mate against Obama’s clone, Josh Shapiro. That stupid decision has proved very costly, not only for Mme kamala. But for the whole world.  Shapiro would have done better in getting Mme Kamala to victory.. 

Being an alumni of an American University, I had never thought a time would come when I would hate America. The time has come nonetheless. With Trump at the helm, America has become trashy. Like Wole Soyinka, I will chew my green card. 

Scrutator also passes her sad commiserations for another huge electoral setback:  the loss of brother Josh Setipa for the coveted post of Commonwealth secretary- general. There is something funny about democracy. In fact, there is something stupid about democracy. It can breed illegitimate outcomes.  Brother Josh ran a very good race.  He was the most qualified candidate with vast experience working in international institutions.  How he lost is difficult to fathom. I hope the Matekane government will do the right thing and get him back home to help the RFP government. Bro Josh is better working at home than working for the woman against whom she competed. Come home bro Josh and Let’s Make Lesotho Great Again. 

Finally and fortunately for Lesotho, we will never have our own Donald Trump ( Machesetsa) in the State House.  That’s because unlike the Americans, we are brilliant people. We won’t even have Machesetsa get 20 more votes from his 2022 tally in his constituency in the next elections? In fact, his political career is all but over as he won’t return even through the backdoor of the PR seats fraud in the next elections. Thanks to you Lord. Thank you.    




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