IN last week’s issue of the Lesotho Times, we carried a story headlined “Hotel boss jailed”.
The story said a local businessman, Tumo Tlelai, had been jailed for 30 days for contempt of court.
The story further alleged that the jailed businessman was the owner of Victoria Hotel and Lakeside Hotel in Maseru who also owns other businesses in Lesotho and South Africa.
This was a mistake.
Tumo Tlelai is not the owner of the two cited businesses and is not in any way connected to the two hotels.
Further, the owner of Victoria Hotel and Lakeside Hotel, Mr Thabiso Tlelai, has nothing to do with the contempt of court case that was before the court.
We apologise for the embarrassment and grief that our story caused to Mr Thabiso Tlelai, his family and business colleagues.
We also apologise unreservedly to the management and staff of the two hotels for the grief our story might have caused. — Editor.