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Govt clinic sued for M500k 

by Lesotho Times
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  • alleged to have given patient wrong medication 
  •  resulting in his “malfunctioning” manhood 

Moorosi Tsiane 

A CASE of negligence by doctors at the state-owned Mabote Filter Clinic has resulted in a Berea man allegedly losing his manhood. 

Makata Mokhalinyane has dragged the Mabote Filter Clinic to court demanding M500 000 compensation for being given wrong pills which he claims “paralysed”his manhood. 

The Ha Foso man claims he was given pills which his medical booklet clearly indicated he was allergic to, hence he got “paralysed”. 

He therefore demands a payment of M300 000 for pain and suffering and M200 000 for loss of amnesties. 

The Mabote Filter Clinic, Ministry of Health, Attorney General Rapelang Motsieloa are cited as first to third defendants in the matter. 

According to Mr Mokhalinyane he went to Mabote Filter Clinic for tooth extraction on 10 March 2023 where he was prescribed Amoxillin pills which contain penicillin despite his medical booklet showing that he is allergic to penicillin.  

He alleges that due to this wrongful medication he was given, he encountered complications and then returned to the clinic four days later.  

The complications included the development of skin blisters, swelling of lower lips, difficulties in breathing together with itchy eyes.  

He also claims to have suffered blisters on the scrotum and penis. 

The doctor who attended to him when he returned to the clinic ordered him to immediately stop taking Amoxy, he claims. 

“The Plaintiff (Mokhalinyane) met complications as a result of the medication prescribed and went back to the clinic on the 14 March 2023 and the doctors upon realizing the mistake they made, requested that the prescription of Amoxy should be stopped and he was prescribed other medication,” Mr Mokhalinyane’s court papers state. 

“The plaintiff developed skin blisters, had swollen lower limps, difficulty in breathing, itchy lips, nose and eyes. He further developed welling on lower limbs and upper limbs, he had skin blisters on scrotum and penis. 

“He was duly admitted at Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital on the evening of 14 March 2023 and was discharged on 23 March 2023.”  

He claims that due to the “negligence” caused by the Mabote Filter Clinic staff which led to him having blisters on his scrotum and penis, he could no longer get an erection. 

“As a result of the Mabote Filter Clinic negligence, Mokhalinyane was subjected to pain and suffering and loss of amnesties to life. Whereof plaintiff claims damages in the amount of M500 000. 

Mabote Filter Clinic and the two defendants are yet to file their papers should they wish to oppose Mr Mokhalinyane’s civil claim. 

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