MASERU – Two men from Naleli, Thapelo Kobeeane, 18, and Monaheng Liphafa, 23, appeared before the Maseru Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of house-breaking and theft.
According to evidence before the court, the two allegedly broke into Mabalane Taxi Association’s offices on November 14, 2010 and stole M10 215 and a cell phone.
The duo, who seemed confused and frightened, first pleaded guilty to the charges.
They then later changed their stance, saying that they stole M2 000 only and not the M10 215 mentioned earlier.
Kobeeane and Liphafa claimed there had been no such amount in the office.
But witnesses, Fusi Thateli and Mpai Mohanoe, who are both employees of the association, said they had counted and recorded the money before securing it in a locker and leaving the office on November 13.
The two witnesses said they found that the locker had been tampered with and most of the money was missing when they returned.
They said only M1 080 remained in the locker.
Kobeeane and Liphafa were caught after Thateli, the owner of the stolen phone, got wind of information that a phone similar to his was being sold in Naleli.
The accused asked to be crossed-examined but then later changed their minds saying they just wanted to be sentenced and get over with it since they were confused.
The case was postponed to April 27.