Mohalenyane Phakela
AS PART of efforts to foster the growth of the Clap and Tap musical genre in the country, Balopolloa Ba Morena Gospel Choir is set to host South African group, Kutloana ke Matla from Thembisa.
The two-day event, which will be held at Lesotho Cooperatives College on 21 March and at AME Hall the following day, is meant to give Clap and Tap exposure to local groups.
“We have a number of Clap and Tap groups in the country, and since it is an emerging genre in Lesotho, we decided to invite a group from South Africa so that we learn a thing or two from them,” said Balopolloa Ba Morena Gospel Choir founder Reverend Ben Mosala.
“We normally hold two shows each year, with one held around this time and the other towards the end of the year. We also feature foreign groups to gain exposure and share experiences with them as they have already made a name for themselves.”
Balopolloa Ba Morena Gospel Choir recently released its debut 15-track album titled Tlohong Baheso. The offering also features collaborations with such artistes as Kingdom Classics, Molupe and Kutloana ke Matla leader Lucas Lekhooa. Some of the tracks from the new album will be among the songs the group will perform at the two shows.
Mosala added that they had also invited other local Clap and Tap groups such as St Peters Church Choir, Barutoana ba Morena and Bana Ba Tumelo to afford them the opportunity to take notes and share iedas.
Meanwhile, to spice up the event, comedians Cura and Lilaphalapha will add a humorous tinge to the shows.
“Music soothes the soul and heals the heart, while comedy adds that tickling flavour to the event, hence our including them in the line-up,” he said.
Mosala said even though the 93-member group is only a year old, their long term goal was to they were all able to make a living from their music.
“We cannot just be entertainers. We are working at doing projects that will feed our members, and not actually pay them for it will be a bit farfetched, but rather help them establish small businesses,” he said.
“For instance, we can buy sewing machines to those members who can sew.”
Mosala also paid tribute to the support from the group’s fans, expressing surprise for attracting the attention of government officials while performing at different events.