’Marafaele Mohloboli
A WEEKEND car crash at Ha-Phallang near Semonkong has claimed the lives of two of Deputy Prime Minister and Democratic Congress (DC) leader, Mathibeli Mokhothu’s chauffeurs. The deceased chauffeurs are Tšeliso Sefali and Nkopane Mothibeli.
Messrs Sefali and Mothibeli were in the company of Mr Mokhothu’s son, Tšepang Mokhothu, when their vehicle overturned. They were travelling from Qhoali, Quthing to Maseru when the accident occurred, instantly killing the two.
However, Tšepang escaped with injuries and he was rushed to the nearby St Joseph’s Hospital where he was treated as an out-patient before being discharged.
Some witnesses had alleged that the white 4×4 government vehicle had been over speeding when the accident occurred.
“We were travelling from an event in Semonkong when a white 4×4 GD-6 bakkie labelled CABINET overtook us at a lightning speed. We were all alarmed by the vehicle’s speed. A short while later, we found that the vehicle had overturned.
“All the windows were broken and two men had been thrown out of the car. There was a younger one who appeared scared and traumatised by the whole incident. He was rushed to hospital. Police from Maseru were called and they called their Semonkong colleagues to attend to the scene,” a witness said.
Police spokesperson Senior Superintendent Mpiti Mopeli confirmed the accident. He said they “are investigating this matter and it is yet to be established who was driving and what could have caused the accident”.
Mining Minister and DC spokesperson, Serialong Qoo, urged people to refraining from pointing fingers and apportioning blame for the accident.
“People might be opinionated and fabricate stories. The best thing is to wait for the police findings on the matter. The police are the only ones who can give us the facts on this issue,” Mr Qoo said.