MASERU — Thirty percent of all students who sat for the Junior Certificate exams last year failed, according to results released this week.
Assistant Minister of Education ’Mantanki Mokhabi told a press conference on Monday that 6 243 students out of the 20 766 who sat for the exams failed.
“This means that 30 percent of our candidates failed to meet the requirements for a Junior Certificate in 2010.
“This number has increased by 0.3 percent from that observed in the previous year,” Mokhabi said.
On a positive note, however, Mokhabi said the “number of candidates who managed to get a merit, second class as well as a third class pass increased”.
“Three hundred and thirty three candidates obtained a merit. This is an increase of 0.3 percent in comparison with the previous year,” she said.
Mokhabi said 1 524 candidates had got a first class pass.
She said 70 percent of all candidates who had sat for the exams passed which was a 1.6 percent increase from the previous year.