Staff Writer
RASHEED Osman claimed the Maseru Golf Club Monthly Mug on the 14th of April 2019.
He beat a field of 41 players with a gross score of 76 playing off a handicap of 7.
Mathaleha Molapo won from the front tee with a gross score of 98 playing off a handicap of 22.
The Monthly Mug is a club championship competition played every month in a medal format.
Thabang Khabo won the captain’s prize for sinking a ‘hole in one’ on the par 3-hole number 10.
The monthly mug was sponsored by the Lesotho Flour Mills (LFM). The Executive Head -Sales and Marketing Joshua Leballo implored other companies to support the competition.
He also took the opportunity to the opportunity to introduce their new product Mother’s Choice.
“I am launching a new product Mother’s Choice, a maize meal for proud mothers.
“I hope they try it and witness quality at its best. It’s a combination of taste and whiteness,” Mr Leballo said.