IT is that time of the year again — Christmas!
“Bah Humbug” as Scrooge would say.
Really, I am over my gullet with the whole furore this season!
Look, I really dig the partying and the break from work (for those who actually get a break) and that occasional Christmas gift that happens along.
But I am seriously tired of all the fuss that goes on as the day approaches.
The advertising for Christmas specials seems to start earlier than expected.
And every year the advertising becomes ghastlier and tackier.
There are lights and decorations everywhere you go with shops trying to rip you off all the money they could not get out of you during the year.
Their so-called Christmas specials, which sometimes when you really observe, are not much discounts at all.
It has not really started snowing yet but some places have that annoying sprinkle of fake snow which latches onto clothing if you happen to pass too near it.
If the younger patrons cannot resist but to take a tumble in it — that stuff flies everywhere!
Fake snow should be outlawed, especially in places that do not exactly experience the “custom” of the “white Christmas”.
Listen to the carols and you will know what I am talking about.
What I really want to know though is why does the African Santa wear the heavy red suit yet it is hot around Christmas in that part of the world?
For the little time I have been here, I understand why Mr Claus would wear that fur-trimmed suit.
Makes one wonder if there have not been any heat-stroke emergency cases of men in red velvet/wool suits with pillows stuffed up inside the suits!
To contradict myself though, I cannot wait to experience my first “white Christmas”.
The excitement is not in the “fun” things that I have heard I may be subjected to. It is sorely based on curiosity!
Since the thought that I will be as cold as a forgotten popsicle at the bottom of the freezer during my festive season, my moods have swung from one extreme to another.
At times I find myself all depressed with the idea of celebrating (whatever that may end up entailing) the festive season with my whole wardrobe on my body!
Believe me I am not trying to be funny — the temperatures here are dropping rather too rapidly!
Another depressing thought is that it will be dark!
Not just grey because of the snow and sleet pregnant clouds, but because by 1500hrs it will look like it is midnight. Ache!
Then, I start thinking of all the great moments I will be missing in the heat in Maseru!
I had promised myself that this year I was going to shock all and sundry by wearing those really short shorts, lol!
Oh, well as they say, ha ho na ntho e mpe e se nang molemo…guess I have saved a lot of people from going blind by being not there!
I get really down when I think I will not find myself chilling on a lawn somewhere enjoying a few cold… ummm sodas (what were you thinking?), with the air filled with the smell of some braai-vleis sputtering on the stand!
Now I am depressing myself, eish!
But at other times; my mood soars! The whole new experience has got me tingling with curious excitement!
I will be doing all those things I have actually seen only on movies (well just some of the exciting ones)!
So you can imagine, as school holidays creep nearer and nearer I am in a perpetual state of mood changes which make concentrating rather difficult (as you can see I have already formulated an excuse just in case I fail my exams!)
Even though it really irritates me when I have to do it, I cannot wait for my Christmas presents (and yes this year I am getting them)!
I am getting them based on the fact that I actually wrote Santa a letter and so far I have been a good girl (really)!
By the way, going back to African Santas, I think a costume should be designed to fit the weather.